



Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest

Do you want to be a leader and contribute to the world in the future? If the answer is yes, then you should think one step ahead, and creatively. In order to make good ideas realized, you have to prepare yourself with physical strength, leadership, broad knowledge and be adventurous. Now, if you think you are quali-fied for the features above, come to Taiwan and prove yourself through the competition of the Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest.
Although this is a hands-on contest, the Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest adopts the structure of computer role-playing games. With the elements of adventure and innovation; not only Taiwan, but also many other countries, such as Germany, Japan, Korea, Singapore and 10 others have already taken IICC as one of the most important activities every year.
The contest requires students to combine their knowledge, physical strength, hardiness, creativity and teamwork, to fulfill the ultimate requirement of many tasks. The best team among the finalists soon will become the new hero amongst the peers.
This is a creative way of utilizing what students have learned at school, making learning more interesting, and will definitely give students a complete distinct experience.
We sincerely invite you to join the 2024 International Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest. Along with the students, teachers and media are also welcome to the contest. Once you take part in the contest, you will love it just as those teams

What is the competition?

The Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest is a 72-hour non-stop competition. You have to design and create a real product from your own design. This is the requirement of the main project. You can find all the previous examples from our official website.
The Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest wants you to utilize what you have learned in school creatively, challenge yourself, and weave your own magic.

Be the hero in real life!

The Main project: Contestants are required to demonstrate their creative ideas by crafting products that have never been seen before within 72 hours. During this period of time, they will be isolated from the outside world as well as from other teams. The main project emphasizes on both natural science and humanity.
Contestants start the contest with neither fund nor material. They must complete various side tasks to earn “virtual money”, which is for buying actual materials from Virtual shop. The side tasks are splited into three categories– Natural Science, Social Science and Physical Fitness. Team must challenge each category of side tasks evenly. Therefore, teammates must have different specialties.
The main project product will be evaluated by a committee for its creativity, theme, appearance and functions. To finish the project in such a short time, contestants must make use of what they learn at school, their physical endurance, and good team work skill in order to accomplish their strategies and meet the requirements of the main project within the 72-hour period.